How To Make Braces More Comfortable with a Mouthguard

January 25, 2023

Mouthguard for braces

Having braces is a great way to improve the overall alignment of your teeth, but they can be uncomfortable. If you’re looking for ways to make your braces more comfortable, then consider using a mouthguard. A mouthguard helps reduce pressure on your gums and cheeks while also providing extra cushioning against the brackets and wires. In this article, we’ll discuss how to make braces more comfortable with a mouthguard and the potential benefits that come with it.

What is a Mouthguard?

A mouthguard is an oral appliance that you can customize to fit your teeth and gums. It provides cushioning for your gums and cheeks, helping to reduce the discomfort associated with braces. A mouthguard also helps protect your teeth from possible injury due to an accident or sports-related activity.

Types of Mouthguards

There are several types of mouthguards available. The most common type is the over-the-counter boil and bite mouthguard. This type of mouthguard is made from a thermoplastic material that can be softened in hot water and then molded to your teeth with your fingers. There are also custom-made mouthguards, which are more expensive but provide better protection due to the perfect fit.

Benefits of Using a Mouthguard

Using a mouthguard can provide several benefits to those who wear braces. It helps reduce the discomfort associated with braces by providing cushioning and reducing pressure on gums and cheeks. Mouthguards can also help protect teeth from damage if you’re involved in a sports-related activity or accident. Finally, mouthguards are easy to clean and can be reused multiple times.

How to Use a Mouthguard

Using a mouthguard with braces is easy. Start by selecting the right type of mouthguard for your needs. If you’re looking for something that can be customized to fit perfectly, then consider a custom-made one. For those who want an economical option, there are over-the-counter boil and bite mouthguards available. Next, you’ll need to follow the instructions that come with your mouthguard to soften it in hot water and then mold it to your teeth and gums.

Tips for Wearing a Mouthguard

Once you have fitted your mouthguard, there are several tips you should keep in mind to ensure that it is comfortable and provides the best possible protection.


It’s important to clean your mouthguard after each use with mild soap and warm water. Rinse the mouthguard thoroughly and allow it to air dry before storing it in a cool, dry place.


If your mouthguard becomes worn or damaged, it’s important to replace it as soon as possible. Over time, a mouthguard can become less effective due to wear and tear and may not provide the same level of protection.


If you’re using a mouthguard that is not fitted properly, it can cause discomfort. Be sure to follow the fitting instructions and adjust the fit if necessary. If you find that your mouthguard is still uncomfortable, consider trying a different type or size.


Using a mouthguard with braces is an effective way to make them more comfortable. It can help reduce pressure on the gums and cheeks while also protecting against any accidental injury. Be sure to follow the instructions when fitting a mouthguard and clean it regularly to ensure it is providing optimal comfort and protection.